ITEM ToolKit Component Libraries
ITEM ToolKit includes comprehensive libraries for specific applications as part of our standard features. They include thousands of parts, with associated data parameters that will save time and reduce costs. Library System files contain information regarding blocks, linked blocks and components, the same as regular System files. These system files are internal to ITEM ToolKit and are saved under the Library Project file of the same analysis type.
For example, the MIL-217 system information and the analysis results are saved under the MIL-217 Library Project file. Multiple system library files can be saved under the same Library Project file. ITEM ToolKit automatically updates and transfers Library System file information to the Library Project file as items are being added to the system library files. ITEM ToolKit also has part number matching capability during import from BOM, and during direct data entry.
User Defined Component Libraries
In your analysis project, some component types, blocks of components or even an entire system will appear more frequently. Input of these repetitious occurrences is tedious. Libraries can be created to tabulate these component types for later use. Libraries are created when a group of common blocks and/or components are copied and saved to a library. You can use the saved blocks or components to quickly add these components along with their analysis data to a new or existing project. Libraries may be built and customized using the library management facility. Data can also be transferred between different projects and from libraries. You can create your own libraries and use them separately or in conjunction with ITEM Software Libraries.
Libraries Services
If you have Bill of Materials, Purchasing or Stock Lists, let us create your own Custom Parts Library and save precious time and money.
Browse and Search the Component Libraries
ITEM ToolKit 's library management tools let you browse and search the loaded libraries. Just type in the first letters or numbers and the drop down list will display, giving you the ability to choose the desired component.
Reclaim Your Precious Desktop Space
IT Library Manager allows you to load libraries in a quiet mode (background). This facility will make library parts available to your active project while saving workspace within ITEM ToolKit.
Available Component Libraries:
NPRD-95/NonElec95 (Non-electronic Parts Reliability Data) is a collection of library files containing 11,742 parts in total and provides failure rates for a wide variety of component types including mechanical, electromechanical, and discrete electronic parts and assemblies. NPRD reflects field experience in military and commercial applications, concentrating on items not covered by other failure rate sources. Available for MIL-217, Telcordia, IEC 62380, GJB/z 299B and NSWC modules.
FMLib 97 is a special library based on failure mode/mechanisms distributions prepared by the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC), PO Box 4700, Rome, NY 13440-8200 and is designed for use with ITEM Toolkit FMECA module, as an apportionment library. FMLib 97 contains 1,939 components including 20,239 failure modes with their associated causes.
All fourteen possible MIL-217 environment categories, each contain 208 components template modeled from the tables of appendix A: Parts Count of the MIL-217 Notice 2 prediction standards.
Available for MIL-217 module.
Categories of Passive Components, ICs, Semi-Conductors from various sources and manufacturers, for the MIL-217 module. Also available for the Telcordia and IEC 62380 modules.
3,100 Integrated Circuits published in the "US Dept Of Defense MIL-HDBK-217" and the "Microcircuits, General Specification Mil-M-38510". Available for MIL-217, Telcordia, and IEC 62380 modules.
Bourns, Ohmite and Xicon Resistors from their catalogs. Available for MIL-217 and Telcordia modules.
Panasonic, Cornell Dubillier, Vishay Cera-Mite and Sprague Goodman Capacitors from their catalogs. Available for MIL-217 and Telcordia modules.
Diodes from Diodes Inc, Diotec Semiconductor, Elva, Fairchild, Hitachi, Infineon, MaCom, MDT, Microsemi, Motorola, Phillips, Sanyo, Sensitron, Sprague Goodman, ST Electronics, Temex, Toshiba, Vishay and Zetex catalogs. Available for MIL-217 and Telcordia modules.
Micro Digital library containing over 60,000 Digital ICs from various manufacturers, and the Standard Microcircuit Drawings, MIL-M-38510 specifications from the US DoD. Each library is organized by family (system) including component type or series (block). Each series is filled with components extracted from each catalog. Available for MIL-217 and Telcordia modules.
Over 40,000 Coils from manufacturers such as Allied Component Co., RENCO, TDK, Vishay, Panasonic, JW Miller and C&D Technologies. Available for MIL-217 and Telcordia modules.
Microprocessor library containing over 10,000 microprocessors from various manufacturers. Each library is organized by family (system) including component type or series (block). Each series is filled with components extracted from each catalog.
Available for MIL-217, Telcordia, and IEC 62380 modules.
Crystal library containing crystals from various manufacturers. Each library is organized by family (system) including component type or series (block). Each series is filled with components extracted from each manufacturer's catalog.
Available for MIL-217 and Telcordia modules.

> Contain thousands of parts, with associated data parameters
> Automatic update and transfer of libraries
> Information regarding blocks, linked blocks and components
> Multiple systems in library projects
> Part number matching capabilities
> Library management facilities to build and customise libraries
> Import from BOM or direct data entry
> Browse and search the loaded libraries